

Goshinjuku -  Our attitude




1. Appreciate “Purposes”
Think about “What do you do that for”. What do you take trainings for? What do you learn things for? What do your parents tell you things for? What do you organize things for? What do you strengthen your mind and body for…? Try to think about “For what” about anything you do.




2. Appreciate “Thoughts”
Appreciate “to think”. Think about what you should do and what you are going to do based on your experiences and knowledges. The way of thinking affects your thoughts. Appreciate yourself and try to have the thoughts that make you love yourself, which eventually develop yourself and those who are around you.Think in a way that makes you and others happy.



3. Appreciate “Words”
Words matters, for expressing your emotions and your thoughts with your voice and letters. You should not use the words that may hurt you and people around you. Do not say the words you do not want other people to tell you. Use the words that make you and other people smile and develop you and them, which eventually make both you and other people happy.Use words that make you and the other person happy.


自分の周りにある、『物』『環境』『人』に対して、感謝することを忘れてはならない。相手を思いやり、 相手の立場になって考えることを心掛け、「ありがとう」を言われるような生き方をしていく。

4. Appreciate “Surroundings”
You must not forget to be thankful to the things, the environment, and people around you. Be considerate of others and try to put yourself into their shoes. Live everyday as others feel thankful to you.



5. Appreciate “Goals”
Value the ability to work hard. You should have goals in order to be the person you wish to be. If you have goals, you gain a power to work hard and do your best. Have various goals which lightens you up.



6. Appreciate “Time”
Time = life. Cherish life. Life = time. Respect the time you and your partner have. Yesterdays never come back again. You are now living “this moment”.
We live everyday based on the experiences until yesterday. What you are now will be the foundation of yourself in the future. Live this day as hard as you can, and try to enjoy achieving your goals. Embrace the time with your family and friends.



7. Appreciate “Action”
Do things that make you and the other person happy. You must take action for being who you are. You must take action for achieving your goals. You must take actions for leading bountiful life. Think about the purposes of various things, have goals, and embrace the finite time with your family and friends. Never give up for what you really need to do, and take action proudly.




8. Appreciate “Continuity”
It is important to continue. Continue to appreciate purposes, thoughts, those who are around you, goals, time and actions throughout your life.
If you continue doing something, you eventually find the way. I have my own way, and you have your own way. We can only lead our own ways. It is no use being jealous of other people.
Some get sulky on their way. What they lack is the feeling of thankfulness.
They focus only on bad things, and forget about good things. Look back where you came from. Accept everything, thinking that they are what you needed to be bigger. Be strong and live your life beautifully, with style.
Be the person who gives somebody else dreams and hopes. I truly wish you could be the one.
